What is a Query
It is the search definition question that users key into the search field. As an example, if we find that many teen segment consumers in the market looking for baseball caps search for "cool baseball caps" Google will try to find "cool baseball caps" that are available in your market based on your query.
What is a Keyword - How to do SEO keyword research?
A keyword is what advertisers bid on. So if we know that in that particular market, our target customers who are teens specifically tend to type in the term "cool baseball caps" to find the coolest selection in the market. Then as an advertiser, that is the keyword I would want to bid for in my SEO, or even PPC.
Understanding and Matching User Intent with Advertisers
Short Tail Keywords

Short Tail vs Long Tail Keywords

Short Tail Keywords
General in nature
High volume of monthly searches
= Lower Conversion rates
Long Tail Keywords
Very specific
Lower search volume
= Higher conversion rates
Choosing the right Keywords can help:
Drive business (by search volume)
Convert (according to targeted relevancy)
Match (advertiser and user intent)
Rank (amongst the competition in the Search Engine Results Page)
Hopefully, it should be clear by now how to do SEO keyword research and why Keywords are given priority in Search Engine Optimization.